In this pandemic year, a large size of face-to-face workshop are hard to issue (T_T)! Online workshops has become a new trend! Suddenly, Jessica has become a mushroom KOL! In every year, HACTL has a green week to encourage their members and staffs to have a green, environmental friendly lifestyle! To promote the "Sustainable Tree" event, we taught participants to utilize the wood chips as a drainage layer and plant their own "sustainable tree" mushroom pack into a beautiful pot which designed by themselves! Let's save our plant net by going green and art! |
06/10/2020 - 03/11/2020
Workshop 1 - Material Preparation 廢木種菇
Workshop 2 - Mushroom cultivation & fruiting 出菇管理
Workshop 3 - Mulching 木碎護根
15/12/2019 & 12/01/2020
今年是第3年得到大埔區議會贊助我們舉辦是次假座於忘憂農莊的活動日。並邀請到生活書院及收皮教大家做一些環保種植及手作,更邀請到曾擔任溫暖人間主廚Jenny教大家烹飪純素料理! 當然不能缺失我們的菇菌工作坊及菇房參觀!最後感謝樹後生活為我們提供木材! This is the third time that we were supported and sponsored by Tai Po District Council to hold two upcycling workshop days! We had invited School of Everyday Life, Saupei and a ex-chief from buddhist compassion, Jenny to taught different upcycling and vegan cooking workshops! Of course, there were our's mushroom cultivation workshop and the mushroom house visit too! What a wonder day! Special thanks to Post tree life-style for providing us wood dust and wood pieces! |
Trash2Treasure - Wood decor Workshop 木片裝飾工作坊
Trash2Treasure - Mushroom Cultivation Workshop 菇菌培植基製作工作坊
生活書院School of Everyday Life - 菇廢及廢木種植工作坊 Organic Waste planting Workshop
Jenny 素食 - 作物料理工作坊
收皮Saupei - 回收紙包飲品盒工作坊 Packaged drinks box upcycling workshop
Trash2Treasure - 菇房參觀Mushroom House visit
很高興被明愛賽馬會荔景社會服務中心邀請提供菇菌培植班,與一群熱愛種植的朋一起製備菇菌包!更到達菇棚參觀培植過程及成果!最後有各人有一個菇菌包回去種! So happy that we were cultivating mushroom with Caritas Jockey Club Lai King Rehabilitation Centre nature lovers! It also a great experience that they can learn more about mushrooms via visiting our mushroom house too! It was a pleasure time! At last everybody got a mushroom pack to grow it by themselves! |
有幸被邀請參加「盛食派對 2019」,推廣香港本土環保種植及食品的售賣日。當中我們認識了來自不同的行業的好友,分享自己對廢物升級製作成食品的方法及成果。當天我們除了售賣菇菌外,更為大埔區友好農場以自由定價售賣新鮮本土無農藥冬瓜! 途中為了讓參加者認識升級菇菌來源,更舉辦了工作坊!得到多方的讚賞! Last summer, we were invited to join "Upcycling Food Party 2019" at Central, Anita Chen Lai-ling Gallery where gathered Hong Kong upcycling expertise selling and promoting their ideas of food waste upcycling products. Beside selling mushroom, winter melon was great seasonal fruit to share. 5 free pricing winter melons from a familiar Tai Po farm were sold out too! What a great experience!F amiliar |
22/07/2019 - 06/12/2019
香港空運貨站公司 (Hactl) 著力注重綠色及環保,過往曾培植了200多棵桉樹以綠化貨運站天台。多年的努力下後,樹木因長高於香港國際機場障礙管制的高度限制需要被移除。Hactl 為了延續桉樹的生命,成功把7棵桉樹移植到3所東涌區學校作綠化用途。 但移植的工程繁複,只有茁壯的樹才有機會移植成功。其餘的樹木只能被破碎。我們為了善用這些資源,到達5所東涌區中學舉辦一連串的菇菌培植工作坊,減少有機廢物同時為下一代帶出珍惜資源的訊息。 Hactl is a company that encourages and supports green and environmentally friendly actions. In the past, Hactl had planted 200 more trees on their rooftop to beautify and greening. The company grows stronger and the trees grow bigger, which exceeds the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance height limit. All the trees had to be removed immediately. To extend their lives and their usage, 7 strongest trees were successfully transplanted to 3 Tong Chung Area secondary schools, and the reminding was trimmed down into pieces to become mushroom's food source. A series of 3 workshops were taught to 5 Tong Chung Area Schools to inspire youth on how to tackle the organic waste problem via mushroom cultivate and the importance of resource preserve. |
桉樹移植 Transplant trees
Workshop 1:Mushroom Medium Preparation 菇菌培基製作
Workshop 2:Inoculation 菇菌接種
Urban farming is more popular nowadays. Have you ever thought about we can grow mushroom indoor too? Thanks for Rooftop Republic Urban Farming bringing us there to promote upcycling mushroom with more people! |
10/04/2019 to 29/05/2019
有幸受SEE Network 思網絡邀請參加竹道計劃,到不同學校及農場教教大家如何在農地及種植上使用建築用舊竹。利用打碎了的舊竹覆蓋泥土成保護層,減少水份流失及雜草滋生。 It was glad to be participating in BAMBOO TAO project to promote Hong Kong Bamboo waste upcycling, mostly from architecture waste, via mulching to prevent evaporation or erosion and weed growth. |
鳯溪第一中學 Fung Kai No.1 Secondary School
Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary School 大埔舊墟公立學校(寶湖道)
Tai Po Old Market Public School (Plover Cove) 麥理浩
26/01/2019 & 16/02/2019
台灣相思是香港常見的「先鋒樹」,因壽命較短,很多都步入老年期需要被移除。樹後生活把這些廢樹造成木材時會產生大量木碎屑,我們利用這些多餘的木屑製作成靈芝菇菌包,讓大眾知道木碎的可再生之處。 Acacia confusa is one of the common " Pioneer" species in Hong Kong. Since their short lifespan, most of them need to be remove now. POST TREE LIFESTYLE collected and utilized these tree to become timber. However, the byproducts of sawdust and wood chips were huge which were the best substrate for Ganoderma (Lingzhi) to grow. |
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文Trash2Treasure Association(@trash2treasure_association)分享的貼文 於 張貼
自然生態是一個好好讓都市人放鬆及學習的地方, 參加者到達忘憂農莊親身體驗一天菇農及農夫的生活。 Nature is a good place that we can learn and relief far from a crowded city. Participants came to, Breeze Farm, a urban farm to become one day mushroom farmer having a great time with family and friends. 相片由 環保觸覺 提供 Photo Credit to Green Sense |
為了讓香港青年及大眾認識可持續食物鏈,標題“rethinking our food” ,有幸被Rooftop Republic Urban Farming 邀請到Hysan Skygarden教導大家如何在香港使用本地有機廢料升級再造提供本地出產新鮮菇菌。參加者更親身到達Starbucks 收取咖啡渣,由收集廚餘到升級再造的一連串體驗。 It’s been a great pleasure that invited by Rooftop Republic Urban Farming to co-operate 2 days event “rethinking our food” in Hysan Skygarden. It was aimed to educated youth to better understand our food chain in the world. In 1 and a half hour workshop, participants were required to collect the coffee ground, which provided by Starbucks, by themselves and prepare the mushroom spawn material. |
感謝中大農業發展組及菇菌之友的Alvin 邀請舉辦菇菌培基製作工作坊。席著Alvin 介紹菇菌的世界及其大自然的角色,讓大家更了解它們對我們的好處及認識培植它們的方法。
Grateful for Agricultural Development Group of CUHK and Mushroom Friends founder Dr. Alvin’s invitation. By Dr. Alvin’s introduction of the mycelium worlds and their characters in the Mother Nature, we learnt much more about the benefits and advantages of mushroom give us! Then we prepare the mushroom cultivation substrate with the CUHK farming lovers to share our ways to grow mushroom. |
這次活動我們接待了來自親子王國的參加者。小朋友在爸爸媽媽的帶領下,一齊動手利用有機廢物資源包括咖啡渣、木屑等製作菇包。參加者也可以玩吊床、蕩鞦韆,喂山羊等,在這個農場留下難忘的回憶!活動的尾聲,我們更舉辦了除雜草比賽,讓參加者一嘗當農夫的滋味。勝出者更可以獲得農場當造的蔬菜1KG以作鼓勵。 More than 22 participants from Baby Kingdom have visited Tree Lover Farm in this event. All of them have made a mushroom pack which up-cycled coffee ground and sawdust to substrate. Playing with the wooden swing and hammock bed, feeding goats and taking numerous photos, all of them had an unforgettable memory. We also held a weed removal competition which let participants get some experience in farming. 1 kg of seasonal vegetables was given to the winner as an award. |
我們有幸參與浸會大學舉辦的拉闊文化2017計劃,參與“咖啡的一生”工作坊,集中向參加者介紹用咖啡渣製作菇包,以及利用咖啡渣製作身體磨砂。讓參加者對升級再造咖啡渣有進一步認識。 It is our pleasure to join “Life of Coffee” workshop of the Cultural Literacy Programme organized by Baptist University. In this workshop, we introduced the methods of up-cycling coffee ground which include making the substrate of mushroom packs and making natural body scrub using coffee ground. |
這次我們在樹友農莊接待了約30位參加者,除了用咖啡渣製作菇包之外,參加者在導師Jessica的帶領下參觀了農場,一齊認識當造的農作物,農場的鞦韆及山羊更大受小朋友的歡迎。 More than 30 participants have visited Tree Lover Farm which is a private organic farm in Tai Po. Not only did they made mushroom packs using coffee ground as the substrate, but also had a guided tour around the farm to understand different seasonal vegetables around. The goats and the wooden swing also arrested the children's attention! |
參加者透過這次的工作坊,學會了菇包的製作以及如何透過環境管理培植菇菌。我們帶去的新品種平菇(包括紅平菇以及金頂側耳)更吸引了不少參加者的目光。 In this workshop, participants were taught to make mushroom pack step-by-step, from mixing raw substrate, to the environmental control for mushroom cultivation and harvesting. Participants also took numerous photos with our new species mushroom including pink oyster mushroom and golden oyster mushroom. |
23/05/2017, 07/06/2017
這是我們機構第一次舉辦的菇菇微景觀工作坊,參加者可以發揮他們自己的創意,利用所提供的材料,製造獨一無二的微景觀。和坊間的微景觀不同的地方在於我們加入了菇,在養護的過程中,我們的微景觀會長出可食用的平菇。 It is our first time to organize a mushroom terrarium workshop. Participants can create and design their own unique mushroom terrarium with different DIY materials provided. Different from other terrarium workshops, mushrooms were added to this micro forest. As a result, edible oyster mushrooms will grow in this terrarium. |
25/03/2017, 01/04/2017, 08/04/2017, 22/04/2017, 29/04/2017
我們機構舉辦了第一次的菇菌種植班,學員透過這個課程,親手參與菌種預備、菇包製作、接種及出菇,大大加深了他們對菇菌種植的認識。課程的最後一天更跟菇博士到大埔滘認識野外菇菌,亦享用了社長Jessica親手烹煮的菇菌美食,為活動劃上圓滿的句號。 It is our first time to organize a mushroom cultivation course. Participants have learnt mushroom cultivation skills though stock preparation, mushroom growing kit preparation, inoculation and mushroom fruiting management. On the last day of this course, we had a wild mushroom tour organized by Dr Alvin Tang in Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve. Finally, our chairman, Jessica has prepared delicious mushroom cuisine for the participants. |
我們參加了浸會大學校園內舉辦的大型素食嘉年華,推廣環保文化。期間為公眾提供5場環保護膚品工作坊,包括製作咖啡渣身體磨砂、天然菇菌美白面膜及雪耳精華肌底液。參加者大呼好玩,更表示日後會在家DIY這些環保護膚品。 We have joined the Veg Fête 2017 which is organized by HKBU Sustainability to promote green and healthy lifestyle. 5 eco-workshops were provided, including the coffee ground body scrub workshop, the natural fungal whitening mask workshop and the white fungal essence workshop. All the participants enjoyed those workshops and most of them will D.I.Y those natural skin care products at home. |
菇菌賞食工作坊與菇菌之友合作舉辦。菇菌之友的鄧博士,與一眾參加者分享和菇菌有關的資訊。餐廳的廚師則用來自雲南的各種野生菇菌為參加者精心炮製了菇菌佳餚。活動尾聲,社長Jessica更教導參加者用活動當日產生的廚餘製作環保酵素,徹底貫徹零廚餘。 We have organized a mushroom learn & dine workshop with “Mushroom Friends”. Dr Tang has shared many mushroom related knowledge with participants. Chef of Tasts Kitchen has prepared delicious mushroom cuisine for the participants. Finally, our chairman, Jessica has shared her experience of using food waste to make ECO enzyme for cleaning. |
此工作坊的對象為銀行職員,當日我們的社長兼導師Jessica向一眾參加者講述香港的廚餘問題、教他們轉廢為寶的方法,參加者更有機會用當天新鮮取得的咖啡渣,親身體驗如何製作菇包。 Our chairman Jessica has explained the problem of food waste in Hong Kong and the way to convert trash to treasure. Participants have learnt how to make a mushroom pack using coffee ground as substrate. |
與香港永續栽培學苑合辦的Share&Fair永續分享會。當日社長Jessica向一眾油街的街坊介紹如何升級回收廢物,體驗製作菇包的樂趣;而永續栽培學苑的葉sir也帶來了不同地區的茄子,讓參加者嘗試栽種。參與人數高達70人。 This sharing event was held with the Hong Kong Permaculture Institute. Jessica shared her knowledge about upcycling of waste with the participants and taught them how to make their own mushroom packs. Also, Mr Ip from the Permaculture Institute has brought a lot of eggplants from different regions. We got about 70 participants in this event. |
我們在香港浸會大學CIE農墟設立攤位售賣迷你廚餘菇包,豆腐渣貓砂和DIY豆苗餐盒。這些升級回收的產品成功引起了一眾買家的關注,也同時能把升級回收的概念推廣至學生及教師。 We have set up a booth for selling mini mushroom kit, Okara cat sand and garden kit in the HKBU CIE farm fest. All these upcycled products raised lots of public interests and helped to promote up-cycling to students and teachers. |